Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Story time for your preschool children.

I love story time! All those little kids who are so thrilled to listen to me, you can't beat that! This is our fall line-up:
Friday 10:30
November 9th Being thankful
November 16th A musical Thanksgiving with Donna Weldon
November 23rd Closed
November 30th Winter birds

Glorious numbers

Every month I prepare statistics for the Jefferson County Library Board and I am so sure you all would like to know all about it. So, here for your edification, are our monthly stats.

Jefferson County Library System

Whitehall Community Library

Fiscal Year 2007-2008
Jul. 07 Aug. 07 Sep. 07 Oct. 07
Total Circulation * 2311 2444 2105 2275
Paperbacks 99 133 91 75
Computer Use 902 1067 885 943
Attendance 2301 2484 2164 2301
Hours 123 134 126 130
Storytime 15 24 37 27
Ill Requests 41 49 73 47
Titles Added (see *) 196 133 98 142
Titles Weeded 14 75 35 145
New Cards 18 20 15 15
Reference Questions 64 83 69 73
Programs 8 2 0 1
Program attendance 193 110 0 10
*mcn added 3 3 5 1
*donated 66 0 19 23
*purchased 67 130 74 142
Ill In-state loaned 10 25 11 15
ILL In-state borrowed 24 21 21 17
ILL Out-of-state loaned 3 6 3 3
ILL Out-of-state borrowed * 16 25 11 16